Sunday, September 13, 2009

13.9.2009 .. dream come true

I've been max 3billion in FFS xD
and im currently effing happy
some of you guys might be wondering what so fun about this application =X
hmmm.... actually i don't know too =X maaybe it's fun because i've met lots of friends in there ^^ nice and friendly people =) haha..

well, actually this maxing me to 3b thingy has a story XD

last 2 days, i had a dream.. Carson sms-ed me telling me that i was reset-ed again.. but forgotten who was it that reset-ed me =X

i woke up next morning, i told kezvin hahaha XD

the next 2 days (which is this morning) i woke up cause i got some stupid sudden alarm call.. my phone kept ranging =X and i woke up, saw 3 msgs in my 012 and 1 msg in my 016 =X mana tau it was kezvin .____. LOL.. he said that there's cash for me to earn in FFS and asked me to wake up and give him my password and email.. and yeahh.. i gave it to him =X

after that, i couldn't sleep anymore TT thanks to kez..
so i decided to wake up, get ready and shower and ate my breakfast..
hmm.. next! TO THE COM! ^^
when i 1st came back to my com.. i saw 38 conversations *faints*
open and alt+f4 one by one wasting my time =X

then! after doing all those craps! i went to FB to go look for my darling FFS page xD
got few comments to reply.. after that i didn't notice that i was max the 2nd second time XD after i saw.. i stoned for like.. ermm... 5secs in front of the com haha.. i was shocked again =X

haha.. actually all thanks to kez for making my dream come true and reseting me =) *hit hit*


thanks Carson for ,max-ing me once again =) you've been a really really great owner !


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